Friday 4 December 2020

EDM v19.2.34.10 is now available

 Release Date: 27 November 2020

This release brings some of the following improvements:

  1. Data Illustrator supports an 'Auto refresh from template' option. However too many changes were being made, leading to all customisations within the illustration being lost.// via EDM-21920
  2. Concurrent component runs through multiple browser tabs by the same web user is now available when the process run is triggered via the Process Launcher REST API service. // via  EDM-23327
  3. Within Data Generator grids in the  Web UI, duplicating DateTime values using Ctrl-D, or Copy using Ctrl-C and pasting (Ctrl-V) now works correctly. Previously the paste action failed. // via EDM-23363
  4. Field mappings using variables (e.g Runtime variables, Database variables, SQL variables etc) now works for a Data porter that writes to a table in an Oracle database. // via EDM-23282

For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: