Wednesday 9 June 2021

EDM v19.2.35.24 is now available

 Release Date: 1 June, 2021.

This release brings some of the following improvements:

  1. EDM WebUI uses the latest version of the Jquery and Kendo-ui libraries. See EDM-23590
  2. The Data Generator REST service can now handle multiple concurrent requests from the same API user. See EDM-23747
  3. Data porter read and write between EDM and Oracle works when the Oracle table has column of Data type = ST_GEOMETRY. Behaviour ensure that the ST_GEOMETRY column is not available in data preview and for field mapping. See EDM-23655
  4. Two new feature flags 'DefaultDateFormat' and 'DefaultDateTimeFormat' which if present in the CO_DBPARM table provide format specification for otherwise unformatted date and datetimes in the webUI. Example in webUI where specification in these flags take effect are: the Last Login Time; Data Generator or Data Manager's Last constructed info and audit. See EDM-18346

For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: