Friday 24 July 2020

EDM v19.2.32.10 is now available

Release Date: 24 July 2020

This release brings some of the following improvements:

  1. In Data generator inbox grid, pasting value to a rule-builder decoded field works correctly. Previously this action threw error. // via EDM-22338
  2. New Best Practise test added. This test checks if column names of table builders have leading and/or trailing spaces. Leading/trailing spaces in columns names of table builders cause issues in upstream EDM process   //via EDM-23073
  3. LAS Plugin is now available in the list of plug-ins to install via the EDM Installer wizard // via EDM-23060
  4. FTP Event Watcher, 'File Transfer' Data Porter and FTP tester now work correctly for all ftp servers. Previously the 'folder exists' check functionality was not working for some FTP servers. //via EDM-23066
For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: