Wednesday, 21 February 2024

EDM v19.2.35.394 is now available

 Release Date: 20 February, 2024

This release brings the following improvements:

  1. Proper support for the Time datatype support has been added in addition to the existing DateTime type
  2. Kafka (Message Queue) has been upgraded to the latest confluent version for better reliability, also allowing support for newer properties like
  3. DPPetraPlugin.dll has 4 new plugin classes: 'AddLiner,' 'AddCement,' 'AddCasing,' 'AddFGap,'
  4. The ReadPlugin of 'DPKingdom.XXXX.Read.dll' can now retrieve the entity 'TimeDepthData'

For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: and earlier (Jan-2021) are considered out of support as of this email and earlier (Feb-2022) are considered in partial support.  See here for more info