Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Interact London 2023 - Connecting data and tech leaders in investment management

Join us on 24 May for Interact London, hosted by S&P Global Market Intelligence, where leaders in finance, data, technology and operations from Europe’s top investment management firms will gather to network and discuss the pressing topics facing our industry.

There will also be the opportunity to hear from our commercial and product leaders about the strategy and roadmap for our software solutions, with dedicated sessions showcasing our latest technology innovations.

Interact London will include dedicated agenda tracks for private equity and venture capital; credit; and data management, which will be of particular interest to clients of iLEVEL, WSO, and EDM solutions, respectively.

Register here

EDM v19.2.35.283 is now available

 Release Date: 17th April, 2023

This release brings the following improvements:

  1. Solution: runs no longer intermittently fail due to another process releasing a lock. EDM will now retry with better logging.
  2. Snowflake Data Porter Plugin: 4th class providing an alternate way to Bulk export from EDM / load to Snowflake via .Net Driver
  3. 'DPPetraPlugin.dll' has 4 new plug-in classes: ReadCasingDBDirect, ReadCementDBDirect, ReadLinerDBDirect, ReadFGapDBDirect
  4. New input parameters have been added to DPKingdom.XXXX.Read.dll for classes:  'WriteDigitalLog', 'Write.MonthlyProduction'
For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.283