Tuesday, 21 December 2021

EDM v19.2.35.109 is now available

 Release Date: 21 December, 2021

The release brings some of the following improvements:

  1. Packaging has been improved making it easier to create rollback packages during promotion. As well as rollback templates while packaging (as per the older manual process).
  2. Solution Process History filters added for 'Max Preview Rows' (1000 be default) ensuring quick fast display irrespective of the number of historic runs.  Historic logs are now also available in Read Only mode.
  3. Process Logs with a special RunId 0 can be created describing component locking issues for top level solutions. This can be useful in helping to identify EDM locking performance issues.
  4. Changes to XML schema in Database parameters are now detected on opening a data porter for editing.  Additionally changes can now be promoted via packages.
  5. CADISProcessAgent.exe / Process Launcher runs where one of the parameters is provided with blank / null no longer causes following parameters to be ignored.
  6. Audit & Archive improvements to provide more flexibility as to when logs / audit are cleaned up.
For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.109

Monday, 15 November 2021

EDM v19.2.35.94 is now available

Release Date: 12 November, 2021

The release brings some of the following improvements:

    1. A new data porter plug-in: DPFtpPlugin allow EDMs to interact with an FTP site.
    2. The FTP Event Watcher has 2 new event watcher variables: Watched Path; Watched Directory.
    3. Bulk actions in the Core matcher correctly allows re-align of source results to a different match id. Previously incorrect validation that duplicate would occur restricted this action.
    4. Solution runs now log when EDM Locks cause delays as part of 'On Demand' locking (default), previously only 'In Advance lock' issues were logged.
    5. Performance of write operation for Well Headers was significantly improved for Studio plugin versions 2019 and 2020
    6. Well Log plugin (also known as DPEnergyLogPlugin) was extended with a new class DlisReader which allows parsing files of DLIS format into EDM tables
    For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.94

    EDM v19.2.35.79 is now available

     Release Date: 1 October, 2021 

    The release brings some of the following improvements:

    1. The AWS s3 plug-in has been improved with many enhancements 
    2. Web UI Data Generator performance improved especially on grids with lots of data
    3. Component Packaging improvements when using Templates.  The wizard now shows the dependency screen. 
    4. Configuration of Core Matcher condition filtering on Nulls for non-text types has been improved
    5. DB Creator - Cmd line usage and permissions improvements
    6. New EDM Studio Plugin compatible with the Petrel Studio 2020 release is now available for use.
    7. Performance significantly improved for EnergyDataServicesPlugin class which operates with GET requests to the API
    For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.79

    Monday, 23 August 2021

    EDM v19.2.35.59 is now available

     Release Date: 20 August, 2021

    The release brings some of the following improvements:

    1. A new Kingdom 2020 Read Only Plug In has been introduced which is more performant than the previous version. 
    2. The Kingdom Plug Ins have been recompiled for Kingdom 2021 and are now available for use. 
    3. Scalar rule builders can now be directly run without a solution wrapper.
    4. EDMWebUserManager command line tool includes more control when adding new webusers, allow the updating of existing users
    5. Data Generator excel export of decimal and date formats more closely follow what is seen in Web UI
    6. Data Generators based over a view builders would previously not allow record insertion into multiple underlying tables of the view.
    For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.59

    Tuesday, 13 July 2021

    EDM v19.2.35.39 is now available

     Release Date: 9 July, 2021

    The release brings some of the following improvements:

    1. Data Flow ODBC Read Support
    2. New Plug In Class DlisReader has been added to the existing Energy Well Log Plug In. This new Plug In class is still under development and not intended for production use yet.
    3. Existing Plug In Class EnergyLogPlugIn has been renamed to LasReader within the existing Energy Well Log Plug In. This plug in class is functionally the same as the class it has replaced.
    4. When an AD group is cloned into EDM groups, new webuser records are now added with the webuser flag checked till the license limit is reached. ADSync.exe now has a new argument (/enablewebuser: 0/1/yes/no) to determine this flag state on web user record creation.
    5. Data generator grid renders in webUI correctly when the Data generator function has username filter configured.
    6. EDM generated log files have new default filenames. The log file name convention can be controlled by editing EDMLogging.xml.
    7. Last constructed/ Audit info shows in Data Manager grid when cell selection is on date-time fields that are NULL.
    For a complete list of resolved issues, refer to the release notes: 

    Thursday, 8 July 2021

    EDM version 19.1 in partial support starting June 2021

    EDM version 19.1 is no longer in full support. Starting June 2021, this series is in partial support. 

    Partial Support comprises investigation and replication (where possible) for a 1 ADDITIONAL YEAR from the date that full support ends. However, we cannot guarantee to have a local support environment available, and support may be limited to WebEx sessions, Enterprise Software Jira, telephone and e-mail support.  

    This version will become completely unsupported from June 2022 onward.

    Wednesday, 9 June 2021

    EDM v19.2.35.24 is now available

     Release Date: 1 June, 2021.

    This release brings some of the following improvements:

    1. EDM WebUI uses the latest version of the Jquery and Kendo-ui libraries. See EDM-23590
    2. The Data Generator REST service can now handle multiple concurrent requests from the same API user. See EDM-23747
    3. Data porter read and write between EDM and Oracle works when the Oracle table has column of Data type = ST_GEOMETRY. Behaviour ensure that the ST_GEOMETRY column is not available in data preview and for field mapping. See EDM-23655
    4. Two new feature flags 'DefaultDateFormat' and 'DefaultDateTimeFormat' which if present in the CO_DBPARM table provide format specification for otherwise unformatted date and datetimes in the webUI. Example in webUI where specification in these flags take effect are: the Last Login Time; Data Generator or Data Manager's Last constructed info and audit. See EDM-18346

    For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.24

    Friday, 7 May 2021

    EDM v19.2.35.3 is now available

    Release Date: 16 April, 2021.

    This release brings some of the following improvements:
    1. Further improvements to Google maps: New Selected Value input parameter, Tooltip text for data points rendered on a map via Data input parameter, and new Silver style overlay option for the map.
    2. Support for reading Raster Logs extracts has been added to the Kingdom 2020 Plug In.
    3. EDM's RabbitMQ client dll has been upgraded from 5.1.2 to
    4. A single execution of the Internet Utilities plug-in can now be configured to perform 2 calls: authenticate user; pass the token received in first call to make data request. This specific 2 calls via a single execution approach only supports OAuth2.0 authentication.
    For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.35.3

      Tuesday, 13 April 2021

      EDM v19.2.34.51 is now available

       Release Date: 5 March, 2021.

       This release brings some of the following improvements:

      1. New symbols introduced to display Maritime & Trade (M&T) industry's object locations within the Google maps UI element
      2. Data Porter: Can now read from and write to databases via an ODBC connection in Bulk Copy mode.  This should improve compatibility with ODBC data sources
      3. Core Matcher: Score evaluation modal has been improved to present re-evaluated match condition and score, if different from stored match condition and score.
      4. WebUI Grid: Edit Item vertically modal now correctly shows decoded fields. Previously the key instead of the display value showed for decoded fields.

      For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.34.51

      Monday, 1 February 2021

      EDM v19.2.34.31 is now available

      Release Date: 25 January, 2021.

       This release brings some of the following improvements:

      1. Enhancements to Google Map UI element
      2. New Energy Plug-ins - Shape file extraction, SEG-Y file extraction, SIF file extraction
      3. Core matcher service start up and processing performance has been greatly improved when Tolerance based match attributes are used.
      4. Proxy Support has been added to the EDM Internet Utilities Data Porter Plug In
      5. Solace queue details in EDM has an extra option - Wait for ack.

      For a complete list of the resolved issues, refer to the release notes: https://supportlibrary.ihsmarkit.com/display/EDM/EDM+v19.2.34.31